Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Johannesburg's Trolleybuses 1973


Linda said...

Where and how on earth did you get that video. It brings back so many memories. Those were the days when the buses and before them, the trams ran on electricity instead of petrol. What a mess the world is in due to gas emissions.

Linda said...

Where and how on earth did you get that video. It brings back so many memories. Those were the days when the buses and before them, the trams ran on electricity instead of petrol. What a mess the world is in due to gas emissions.

Rozi from Jozi said...

It's amazing what you can find on youtube :)

TV in South Africa - 1976

I was looking at the Stat's on my Blog, to see which posts have attracted the most attention, and it seems it is all the one's in wh...