Tuesday, March 17, 2020

A Reunion ... or not!

A friend and I were talking about a High School reunion next year, which will mark 40 years since we finished school, it all sounds really awesome and we start a Whatsapp group where people can invite their friends they are all in contact with etc. etc.

Until the reality strikes, half the people in the Whatsapp group never liked me!  I was not the popular one at school, and then worst of all the School Bully is added to the group and starts throwing their weight around, kicking people out of the group and just taking over.  

After a bit of deliberation, I decided than and there to leave the group!

Why?  Do I really want to meet up with people I haven't spoken to in over 40 years, if ever?  Do I want to meet up with people who are only interested in, what you look like, what car do you drive, what do you do? How much money do you have!  NO!!!  I am better than that.   

I want to meet up with people I had something in common with, people who liked me and I liked them and those who are in contact with me!  So No thanks after all the planning and talking about it, I won't be doing a reunion thank you!    I seriously am happy with my own life, my own friends and the people who care about me. 

I am happy for you whatever path you chose in life!  Take Care and enjoy your life :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Don't Know your name i went to Forest High too and i too agree with you totally.

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