Saturday, April 29, 2006

High School ...

I'd say I had a pretty happy childhood, being the youngest of 3 girls and having parents that were fairly elderly, I somehow got away with Murder, this is possibly because my two older sisters gave my parents such a hard time, that my antics were angelic in comparisson.

My eldest sister was always in trouble for something or another, my middle sister who was partially deaf had the worst mood swings in the world and her and my eldest sister were always fighting and trying to kill one another, so I was just left to my own accord.

My eldest sister moved out of the house when she was 18/19 years old, so it was only myself and my middle sister left - we also never really got along and I would spend majority of my afternoons at friends houses. This also p*ssed my sister off as to pass any exams she had to really study hard, whereas I would pick up a book, read through it and know that I would scrape through. She had to repeat 2 years and we ended up being in the same standard when I started High School, so you can imagine the competition. (On her part)

If I spent the afternoon learning I could manage a "C" and if I really studied hard would get an "A" or "B". Never wanted to be an A student anyway, and my social life was much more important to me than sudying.

(Remind me to delete all of this before Emily starts learning to read)!!!

Charlene and I became friends in Standard 3, she lived down the road from me like most of my friends. My house would have been the first house on the way home for everyone, so a lot of my friends came home to my place (so I could drop off my school bag and get changed) and then I would end up at there house for the afternoon, always making sure to get home before 5o'clock as my mother got home from work at 5 and if we weren't home there would be hell to pay.

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