Friday, October 02, 2015

Friday Night Disco at St. Mary's Home Rosettenville

Almost 40 years since I attending the Disco at St. Mary's Home in Rosettenville, but this morning I was listening to a song by the Bee Gee's and it was the first thing that came to mind.   Did any of you attend those disco's?  Would love to hear your memories?


Stuart King said...

Hi Rose,

I actually remember the discos, I can remember the song "You can ring my bell" or whatever and Lesley Dial and some other girls dancing a dance where they moved their arms as though they were ringing a bell. Must have been 1979 or so? Talk about a random memory.

Rozi from Jozi said...

Thanks Stu, I only remember going their in 1977 when the Movie Saturday Night Fever came out, they had a disco ball and played all the music. Leslie Dial and Maria da Silva I think were always together at every party / disco! :)

TV in South Africa - 1976

I was looking at the Stat's on my Blog, to see which posts have attracted the most attention, and it seems it is all the one's in wh...