This week was the anniversary 10th of September of the Snow we had in Johannesburg in 1981, majority of us kids had never seen snow in our lives before, so it really was a novelty.
I remember the week so well, the week before we celebrated Spring day and it was starting to get warmer, the blossoms were out. I remember leaving for College on the morning of the 10th, there was no sign of a cold weather and it was rather warm.

The snow started lightly, we were all looking out the window until it started coming down much heavier, then when it started to settle we took this opportunity to make snowballs and start throwing them down at the people in the street below.
There was absolute Chaos and the Principal said that only the kids whose parents said they could go home could go home, but I think we all just took this opportunity to bolt.

In the side road "Post Street" running down to Risi Avenue, some kids had rolled a GIANT snowball in the middle of the road, so no cars could get up or down. A week later it still hadn't quite thawed out and the Fire Brigade had to use pick axes to smash it and get it to melt.
I would love to hear about your stories from the Snow in 1981 in Johannesburg!

I found this really cool website of Snow in South Africa from 1853 - 2014, some really good photos on the website as well.
Thank you for the memories! I remember the snow that year. I was working at NCR, now Altron Bytes in Treu Road, Selby. Left work early and drove from there to Joburg CBD to collect my boyfriend and then drove to my parents home in The Hill. Remember my dad telling me, that when I stopped at the robots, that I should only use my second gear to have more control. My folks had a large garden, it turned out to be such a fun day.
Thanks so much for your memory 😁
We had only arrived from England the day before and couldn't believe it
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