Sunday, August 11, 2019

Facebook .... ugh

The more and more I think about Facebook, the more and more I want to delete my profile, but I have so many friends that I keep in touch with that I just don't have the heart to delete it. 

On Friday it was a late friends birthday, I have known him since I was about 5, he lived in the same street as me, went to the same school and I had the hugest crush on him! 

Because no one has deleted his profile he is still up on Facebook and I get the reminder for his birthday as do his other 1000+ friends, Marc passed away in October last year and after his passing there were so many messages on his Facebook page in regards to his passing, it was very sad.  So come this year on his birthday, people were posting FB messages wishing him a very happy birthday and many more????  I ask you!

Seriously, some of the messages read "Happy birthday. I hope you have a great and blessed day. May GOD bless you with many more wonderful and blessed years to come. Enjoy" - 

If people only use Facebook to post messages when it's someone's birthday, I don't understand the logic for having Facebook?

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